On δΈ‰, 10 24, 2007 at 14:56:27 +1000, Michael Pope wrote:
> So should I be making a patch file for the extra include I have to enter 
> into src/utils/Makefile?
> If so how do I automate that patch for that file?  Currently i've created a 
> little patch called 'patch-src-utils-Makefile' but every time I run make it 
> asks me which file I want to patch.

did you put file path in your patch ?
in your case , it might looks like this :

--- src/utils/Makefile.orig
+++ src/utils/Makefile

and don't forget to use ${LOCALBASE} instead of "/usr/local"

Pi seconds is a nanocentury.
                                        --- Tom Duff

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