On 10/8/07, Willy Picard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I write this email to give my humble opinion on the scandalous status of the
> linux-flashplugin9. This port is in the port tree for now 8 monthes (first
> commit on the 17th of January 2007) and one should admit that it never
> worked. A
> numerous set of mails has already been sent on this mailing list about this
> port
> and, to my best knowledge, no one has figured out how to have Flash 9
> working on
> a FreeBSD machine using this port.
> I am not shocked by the lack of support for Flash9, even if Flash 8+ is
> nowadays
> more and more frequent. I understand the lack of time of the porters, issues
> related with various architectures and similar issues. Therefore, I give
> Jamie no
> grief about the lack of support for Flash 9. That is just not my point.
> The thing that shocked me is the fact that the port is still in the ports
> tree
> even if it does not work! (It compiles but each try to view a Flash
> animation
> leads to a segmentation fault of Firefox). If we want the FreeBSD community
> to
> be focused on quality (I assume we all want), then this port should be
> removed
> from the ports tree or at least marked as broken.
The port is not broken as the flash9 port is not compiled, it just
installs the linux flash9 binary.  What is broken is the linux
emulation on FreeBSD < 7. Work is underway to improve the linux
emulation in -CURRENT.

I agree the port should be marked broken for OSVERSION < 7000xx, and
compat.linux.osrelease = 2.4.2, as the flash9 plugin may require
2.6.16 linux emulation.

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