Hi Chin-San,

I am trying to port an application that uses PEAR::Auth and have run
into an inconsistency between the PEAR::Auth documentation, the layout
installed by the security/pear-Auth port and the FreeBSD bsd.pear.mk

According to the PEAR::Auth documentation[1], Auth.php should be
available via 'require_once "Auth.php";' - ie Auth.php should be
installed in ${PEARDIR}.  Currently, PEAR::Auth is installed one
level below this due to the 'CATEGORY=Auth'.

I'm not certain of the correct fix because the package.xml file allows
each file to have a different baseinstalldir, whilst the FreeBSD
bsd.pear.mk infrastructure only appears to support a single directory
for each type of file.  In the PEAR::Auth case, the package.xml file
contains (simplified):
  <file baseinstalldir="" name="Auth/Controller.php" role="php" />
  <file baseinstalldir="Auth" name="Container/Array.php" role="php" />
to install the files as follows:
   Source path               Destination path
Auth/Controller.php       Auth/Controller.php
Container/Array.php       Auth/Container/Array.php

Can you suggest how to correct this?

Peter Jeremy

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