On 8/26/07, [LoN]Kamikaze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Kris Kennaway wrote:
> > FYI; can you please investigate and/or report to the developers?  If
> > you are already aware of this problem but do not yet have a fix,
> > please mark the port BROKEN in the appropriate case, so that users do
> > not unexpectedly encounter it.
> >
> > See http://pointyhat.freebsd.org for the full log.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Kris
> I cannot find a PR about this. So I'm just replying to the mail.
> The problem only appears when the gcc4 branch is used. The freehdl
> developers
> as well as me are mystified, because the gcc output does not contain any
> hints
> about the nature of the problem.
> I didn't find a way to check the gcc version in bsd.gcc.mk, so I don't know
> how
> to mark it broken properly.
> I had something like:
> .if GCC_VERSION >= 40
> BROKEN= gcc3 branch required
> .endif
> in mind.

Just add the following after bsd.ports.pre.mk:

if ${OSVERSION} >= 700042
USE_GCC=        3.4

This will allow the port to build on 7-CURRENT, and give you and the
freehdl developers time to determine why the port fails to build with
GCC 4.x

OSVERSION=700042 is when GCC 4.x was imported into -CURRENT.


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