> If you find a glibc-2.4 for FC4 we can import it somehow. If you  

no we cant. glibc-2.4 requires 2.6 kernel. ie. its the same operation as
switching to newer FC

> don't, we need to wait for the possibility to go to FC^ or newer. But  
> as from FC5 on, we need 2.6.x emulation for the linuxulator. This will  
> only be available in 7.x with x >= 1 (there's some support now, but it  
> is not finished), and only if activated by the user. So by default we  
> can not install FC6+ on 7.x (I doubt we will change the linuxulator  
> default to 2.6.x in the 7.x-timeframe).

let me clarify things a little. the 2.6 support in 7-current is good enough.
I am not aware of panics and the only "does not work because of 2.6" program
I know is java which I have sent a patch to kib@ to commit it (so it should
be in before 7.0R)

yet, 7.x wont ship 2.6 emulation on default so any newer FC is out of question.

otoh I'd like to switch 2.6 emulation on default right after 7.0R is released
in 8-current. to uncover new bugs and test stuff etc.

hopefully I can also get someone (kib? netchild?) to commit most of the stuff
I did over this summer (epoll is ready, *at will hopefully settle soon, some 
fixes can be commited with just a little discussion etc.)

based on the results from the "2.6 on default" testing in 8-current we'll see if
we can ship 8.0R with 2.6 on defaul (my personal guess is yes we can)2
my view of things...

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