2007/6/28, Leandro Conde Trombini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Thanks Vinícius.
Can I use this repository if any other file has problems?


Leandro Conde Trombini.

-----Mensagem original-----
De: Zavam, Vinícius [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviada em: quinta-feira, 28 de junho de 2007 08:53
Para: Leandro Conde Trombini
Assunto: Re: FreeBSD Port: mysql-server-5.0.41

2007/6/28, Leandro Conde Trombini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi.
> I tried to install this port, but in the installation I found error and
> after check the MD5 from file and from distfile I found the difference:
> ngnsvr02# more distinfo
> MD5 (mysql-5.0.41.tar.gz) = b45cd6c89e35dfc1cdbe1a1f782aefbf
> SHA256 (mysql-5.0.41.tar.gz) =
> 08c27246ca9b9cf69567aea63b8fd7aef33769e369f9acf1636634097dc47775
> SIZE (mysql-5.0.41.tar.gz) = 24083795
> ngnsvr02# md5 /usr/ports/distfiles/mysql-5.0.41.tar.gz
> MD5 (/usr/ports/distfiles/mysql-5.0.41.tar.gz) =
> 6a9c8a7fe2d484b293824e33d1cff57e
> I tried to use "install NO_CHECKSUM=Yes install clean" but I had a error
> that was unable to extract .tar file.
> Please, is possible to fix it?
> Thanks.



certainly my friend :-)

Zavam, Vinícius
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