-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: port www/bluefish causes 100% CPU usage
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2007 08:15:01 +0200 (CEST)
From: "Remko Lodder" <remko[AT]elvandar[DOT]org>
To: "chrish" <chris[AT]hitOmeter[DOT]NET>

Hello Chrish,

Thanks for the email to the FreeBSD Security Team.
I have a little problem understanding why you emailed the Security Team?
I am not seeing a security issue per-se that should be handled by the
Security Team.

Please report port problems to the ports mailinglist instead, if something
Security related is needed we will pick it up from there (some of us
monitor the ports mailinglist as well).

Thank you for taking the time to report this and using FreeBSD,

Best regards,

On Fri, June 22, 2007 2:09 am, chrish wrote:
[Hide Quoted Text]

 I'd like to report that the port www/bluefish (bluefish-1.0.7) will
consume 100% or near 100% CPU usage with consistency. I can provide
a 100% reproducible example:
After building the BlueFish Editor out of the ports tree and opening
the documentation (big-html file) as provided by bluefish (2007-06-19) at:

[Hide Quoted Text]

unpacking and opening the file in bluefish causes CPU usage to climb to
nearly 100%
on an SMP box - 6.2-RELEASE-p3 FreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE-p3 #0, with 2GB RAM and
disk storage.
I am also able to duplicate this scenario on a Linux, and OSX box. Both
near equal resources, but UP, not SMP. I have filed a bug report with the
the bluefish bugreport facility they provide. But in spite of their being
to confirm the information I have provided. They have chosen to classify
it as
unconfirmed, and appear uninterested in reporting it, or taking any
action. BTW this problem is not limited to the document I noted above. I
offer it as an easy example that anyone acquire and use. I have had this
problem on many texts I have opened with bluefish. In some cases if I
respond soon enough, I was forced to push the red reset button (hard

Thank you for all your time and consideration in this matter.


panic: kernel trap (ignored)

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