KIMURA Yasuhiro píše v ne 17. 06. 2007 v 16:39 +0900:

> I'm maintaiter of japanese/eb. I took its maintainership about one and
> half year ago, and it was already marked broken on ia64 at that time.
> According to the log of Makefile, it was done about three years ago
> when version is 3.3.4. But current version is 4.3, and it is not clear
> if it is still broken.
> I would like to check if latest one is broken on ia64. But I don't
> have account of FreeBSD/ia64 envirionment, nor I can afford to prepare
> Itanium mainframe.
> Then are there any way to check (and fix if it is still the case) the
> breakage?

I just tried on FreeBSD/ia64 6.2-STABLE system, and it compiled fine.
I haven't tried installing it.

Pav Lucistnik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Two sausages are in a frying pan.
One says, "Geez, it's hot in here isn't it?"
And the other one says, "Aaaaaah! A talking sausage!"

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