Olivier Mueller wrote:

It has been nearly one month now since SA 3.2.0 has been released, and the port tree is unfrozen since one or two weeks too: what about updating the port, or why isn't this happening? Do you need more "beta testers"? I know I can get the files/patches directly from the PR page (updated last week), but getting them via a cvsup would be nicer :-)

Well, if you put it this way, I'm still waiting for samba 3.0.25a.
For now the choice is:
_ stick with 3.0.24 which has security problems;
_ upgrade to 3.0.25 in ports which is badly broken;
_ install 3.0.25a by hand.

I see the number of commits is quite high these days.
I guess the port team is already working hard...

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