Stephen Montgomery-Smith wrote:
> Ulrich Spoerlein wrote:
> >The question is: Has it been fixed in all Branches that are currently
> >supported by the Ports tree? What about 5.x?
> Anyway, if you are running 5.x, why not try it out?  Try makefile like:
> a=abc
> all:
>       echo ${a:Mab}, ${a:Mabc}, ${a:Mabcd}
> You should get an output like
> echo ,abc,
> ,abc,

I get this output from an old 4.10 system. So I think we should be safe

Ulrich Spoerlein
"The trouble with the dictionary is you have to know how the word is
spelled before you can look it up to see how it is spelled."
-- Will Cuppy
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