On Sun, 20 May 2007, Peter Jeremy wrote:

The closest I can find to any details on this is your posting of
17 May 2007 12:05:07 -0700 where you post an extract of gtk20
failing to configure.  Did you follow the instructions that you
copied into that posting?

last thing i tried was:

#pkg_deinstall -f pango
#cd /usr/ports/x11-toolkits/pango
#make install clean
#pkgdb -F; shutdown -h now

[went to  bed]

i have a note to

#portsnap fetch update

i am thinking of shutting out my _sole_ terminal running pine
right now and following that instruction after i ctl-D my mailserver
login back to my machine.

i remember trying to follow the instructions in an error message
having to do with "deinstall (ferget)" and "reinstall (whateveritwas)"

now i am reading posts about doing repettive portupgrade -a  ..

i am sorry for having a "low comfort level."  i want to improve.
its hard for me right now only having the ability to have one unix
command line window open and no printer. if my X was up it would be

gtk20 is causing me fits, but that's just the symptom. The cause is that the pkg database(s) are fubared and the ruby utils are doing a bad job at guessing where x11-toolkit/gtk20 is (even though the location hasn't changed >_>).

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