Ken Yamada wrote:
> From: "Rene Ladan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Currently most development happens in the git repository.  You can
>> look at;a=summary to see what
>> goes on.
> No, ""; says;
> --Quote--
> Disclaimer
> If you read about the git repository, forget about it and hold your breath a 
> couple days again. Everything should be merged back to the FreeBSD within a 
> few days.
> --Unqote--
> git may be maintained, but the page already does not show any of git pages 
> and information, anymore.  That is the reason why I am asking...

We're committing a last round of fixes and will submit a tarball for
testing hopefully tonight or tomorrow.

As soon as we'll get enough success reports, we'll go all-in.

Florent Thoumie
FreeBSD Committer

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