On Tue, May 08, 2007 at 12:06:59AM +0200, Thierry Thomas wrote:
> Le Lun  7 mai 07 ? 22:58:50 +0200, Brooks Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  ?crivait?:
> > The other problem is that if you're going to automatically update all
> > the dependencies for a port, you need to upgrade all the stuff that
> > depends on them as well.  For example the gettext upgrade got triggered
> > on my laptop by upgrading something the used gmake.  The result was that
> > virtually nothing outside the base worked any more.  Saving the shared
> > library would have prevented this and allowed a more graceful upgrade
> > over a few weeks.  The fact that a basic desktop setup takes days to
> > build on fairly fast hardware seems to be an indication that we need a
> > workaround here.  There are other possible solutions, but saving copied
> > of libraries seems to be the accepted one at the moment.
> For this kind of upgrades, it's possible to add
> libgettextpo.so.1     libgettextpo.so.3
> libintl.so.6          libintl.so.8
> in your /etc/libmap.conf. Just delete these lines after the storm...

I did found out too late that it works in this case, but it's not a
general solution since it only works if the bump was pointless and thus
there aren't prototype mismatches.

-- Brooks

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