Hi ade.

        This port has a 'not respect PTHREAD_LIBS' issue.  Can you please
        investigate and/or validate following patch?  By the way, I'm
        validating ports which have this issue on no libpthread.* environment.
        So you won't get this error, and notice it.

Index: Makefile
RCS file: /home/pcvs/ports/devel/gettext/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.75
diff -u -r1.75 Makefile
--- Makefile    17 Mar 2007 22:37:26 -0000      1.75
+++ Makefile    24 Mar 2007 04:29:38 -0000
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
        @${FIND} ${WRKSRC} -name configure -print | ${XARGS} \
-           ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|mkdir gmkdir|mkdir|'
+           ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|mkdir gmkdir|mkdir|' -e 
 .if defined (NOPORTDOCS)
 .for dir in runtime tools
        @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|^SUBDIRS = doc|SUBDIRS =|' \
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