Quoting "Jim Stapleton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (Mon, 12 Mar 2007 09:20:23 -0400):

> I gather that if I want to make an addition to a port, with this
> address listed as a maintainer (meaning there is no maintainer,
> correct?) I should just follow the instructions in the porters
> handbook of using the same tool that creates bugreports, correct?

Yes, to all questions. You could also take over the maintainership of
the port...

> Additionally, the addition to the port in question, mail/py-spambayes,
> requires I add a file to the work directory (I made an rc.d script for
> it), as well as some small changes to the pkg-plist. I don't have a
> good place to host this file, what do you all recommend I use?

Put it into the files subdir of the port.


Each Friday his engines abort,
But Scotty is never caught short.
        He fills his machines
        With space-navy beans,
And farts the ship back into port.
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