gareth wrote:
> On Sun 2007-03-04 (19:26), Uwe Grohnwaldt wrote:
>>> For the error "lookbehind assertion is not fixed length" or
>>> "lookahead..." this will work again after deleting devel/pcre and
>>> installing devel/pcre-utf8 instead, afterwards recompile php5-pcre and
>>> other dependencies.
>>> I have found that afterwards the pcre-functions in php work fine, this
>>> also occures in some pear-libs, and hit my Horde installation...
>>> For Wordpress with php5.2.1 I suggest you take also a look at
>>>, which is a bug that shows up in
>>> wordpress after upgrading to php5.2.1 for all web visitors behind
>>> proxies (like squid).
>> Hi,
>> good hint. a portupgrade -frR pcre-utf8-7.0 and portupgrade -frR
>> php5-pcre-5.2.1_3 later, my problems are blown away :)
> hi, i've just run into this too. what if devel/pcre-utf8 has now been removed?

devel/pcre now has UTF-8 support enabled by default. Use devel/pcre or,
if you already have devel/pcre-utf-8 installed, 'portupgrade -o
devel/pcre pcre-utf8' should take care of that (add '-f' if necessary).



Karol Kwiatkowski   <karol.kwiat at gmail dot com>
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