> At Tue, 6 Mar 2007 18:24:12 -0000 (UTC),
>> The author moved the project over to googlecode.com.  I updated the port
>> and pointed it over to that site.
> Ah, but here is the problem.  I have updated the package for use with
> PCS, and Doug Song has not as yet added those bits.  This is kinda a
> fork, but I am feeding him the changes etc.  Can we either:
> 1) update the PCS port to grab my version

I think this is the ideal way to handle the situation.  Only caveat on
your end is your modified pypcap shouldn't interfere with the port of
Doug's pypcap.  It should install with a slightly different module name so
we don't need to set port conflicts and so ports relying on net/pypcap
don't see your fork installed and assume net/py-pypcap is installed which
may lead to potential breakage.

> or
> 2) change the py-pypcap port to point to my version?

Additionally, if these changes have been accepted by Doug and you're just
waiting for him to do a new release you could just add your patches to the
port's patch files.  It sounds like you'll be continuing work on your
pypcap fork so I don't think this option is as preferable as the first.

> I suspect 1 is the more polite way to go?
> Sorry for the confusion.
> Later,
> George


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