Current FreeBSD problem reports
The following is a listing of current problems submitted by FreeBSD users. 
These represent problem reports covering all versions including experimental 
development code and obsolete releases. 
Bugs can be in one of several states:

o - open
A problem report has been submitted, no sanity checking performed.

a - analyzed
The problem is understood and a solution is being sought.

f - feedback
Further work requires additional information from the
     originator or the community - possibly confirmation of
     the effectiveness of a proposed solution.

p - patched
A patch has been committed, but some issues (MFC and / or
     confirmation from originator) are still open.

r - repocopy
The resolution of the problem report is dependent on
     a repocopy operation within the CVS repository which
     is awaiting completion.

s - suspended
The problem is not being worked on, due to lack of information
     or resources.  This is a prime candidate
     for somebody who is looking for a project to do.
     If the problem cannot be solved at all,
     it will be closed, rather than suspended.

c - closed
A problem report is closed when any changes have been integrated,
     documented, and tested -- or when fixing the problem is abandoned.
Critical problems
Serious problems

S Tracker      Resp.      Description
o ports/90777             textproc/xmlto fails to produce most formats
o ports/107229            sysutils/coreutils: gcp fails to set default ACL which
o ports/107536            editors/scite: Can't write on SciTE text editor
f ports/108077            www/linux-flashplugin9 crashes linux-firefox
f ports/108149            dar 2.3.2 port install failure
f ports/108413            net/vnc does not works.
f ports/108537            print/hplip: Build failure
f ports/108543            math/R (R-2.4.0/R-2.4.1)      won't upgrade/install on
f ports/108606            Courier MTA terminates abnormaly after installation
f ports/108748            mod_fcgid 1.10 does not work inside jail
f ports/109107            R 2.4.1 does not compile properly on FreeBSD 7.0/AMD64
f ports/109109            samba-3.0.24,1 build error
f ports/109160            net/samba3 crashes freebsd when accessing a share resi
o ports/109273            dns/powerdns: update opendbx patch & fix compilation u
o ports/109386            databases/mysql-administrator 1.1.10 does not build on
f ports/109422            sysutils/gnomebaker-0.6.1: could not find signal handl
o ports/109427            www/opera Spell Check not working in Opera
f ports/109455            patch about multimedia/xmms to fix library name on cur
o ports/109468            patch to archivers/rpm.
o ports/109485            x11-toolkits/gtkextra doesn't compile

20 problems total.

Non-critical problems

S Tracker      Resp.      Description
s ports/59254             ports that write something after
s ports/80944             [NEW PORT] www/mnogosearch-php: Mnogosearch PHP fronte
f ports/93216             [PATCH] finance/gnucash-devel: Add development release
f ports/95990             New Port: emulators/xjoypad
s ports/96731             textproc/docbook-utils doesn`t build
f ports/100650            audio/moc dumps core when detach/quit
o ports/100896            [new ports] emulators/vmware-server-guestd1 emulators/
f ports/102093            new port (restoring from Attic): fix games/myth2_demo 
o ports/103395            security/gnome-ssh-askpass interferes with gnome-scree
s ports/104725            request new port: x11/nvidia-driver-devel
o ports/105473            ports/sysutils/cpdup -o doesn't work as advertised
f ports/105716            textproc/lemmatizer: Update to version 1.2
o ports/107354            net/icmpinfo: icmpinfo -vvv does not recocnize any ICM
f ports/107832            upgrading sysutils/dar fails because of library search
o ports/107874            port databases/freetds: fix for MSSQL 7
f ports/107937            jailed net/isc-dhcp3-server wouldn't run with an immut
f ports/108176            graphics/gnash: change ${PREFIX} to ${LOCALBASE}
f ports/108519            mail/squirrelmail-devel sets incorrect From in return 
f ports/108521            mail/squirrelmail-devel returns an error while reading
f ports/108723            kxgenerator never worked for me
f ports/108788            [patch]  sysutils/fusefs-kmod: Add BASE option
f ports/108801            www/mod_perl2: Apache-2.0.59 / mod_perl-2-2.0.3_1 freq
f ports/108853            Contradiction of CONFLICTS¡¡
f ports/109041            security/tinyca doesn't allow for user installed OpenS
f ports/109045            security/xca compile fails: x509rev.cpp:63: error: inv
f ports/109148            [games/pydance] sdl_ttf font.render problem; patch app
f ports/109231            update sysutils/fusefs-wdfs to new version
f ports/109261            /usr/ports/www/rubygem-actionpack/distinfo hash values
o ports/109344            restore .svn support to security/metasploit-devel
f ports/109401            [PATCH] mail/nmh: add CONFLICTS
o ports/109424            Update tomcat41 to 4.1.34
o ports/109451            net/mpd: /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ doesn't source /et
o ports/109457            maintainer update: drupal-taxonomy_access - 4.7.x-1.x-
o ports/109471            [NEW PORT] mail/archiveopteryx: POP and IMAP server wi
o ports/109533            upgrade dns/noip to 2.1.4
f ports/109534            [PATCH] print/jabref: update to 2.2
f ports/109535            Eggdrop SSL error
o ports/109537            New port: multimedia/audacious-docklet: systray dockle
f ports/109539            spcaview and quickcam chat
f ports/109546            [PATCH] devel/cvsd: fix startup error when chroot jail
f ports/109554            [PATCH] security/base: update to 1.3.5 (marie)

41 problems total.

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