On Mon, 5 Feb 2007 00:11:14 -0500
Randy Pratt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> There seems to be some problem in the way that portupgrade
> handles dependencies in updating a port to a new version. 
> In quite a few cases, portupgrade does not restore all
> dependencies that were originally listed in the
> +REQUIRED_BY file.  I'll use the "netpbm" as an example:
> Before updating netpbm, the ports that depended on it were
> listed as:
>   # cat /var/db/pkg/netpbm-10.26.38/+REQUIRED_BY 
>   apsfilter-7.2.8
>   docproj-1.17
>   dvdstyler-1.5.b5_1,2
>   gocr-0.43
>   tgif-nls-4.1.45
>   transfig-3.2.4_1
>   xfig-3.2.4_4
> This is an excerpt from my netpbm update log showing that
> it is not 'seeing' all of the dependencies originally
> listed in the respective /var/db/pkg/*/+REQUIRED_BY file:
>   pkg_delete: package 'netpbm-10.26.38' is required by
>   these other packages and may not be deinstalled (but
>   I'll delete it anyway): docproj-1.17
>   dvdstyler-1.5.b5_1,2
>   gocr-0.43
>   tgif-nls-4.1.45
>   transfig-3.2.4_1
> After updating netpbm, the ports that depend on it have
> not been restored (note that it reflects the dependency
> list shown during portupgrade):
>   # cat /var/db/pkg/netpbm-10.26.39/+REQUIRED_BY 
>   docproj-1.17
>   dvdstyler-1.5.b5_1,2
>   gocr-0.43
>   tgif-nls-4.1.45
>   transfig-3.2.4_1
> Additionally the ports requiring netpbm still show them as
> being marked as "DELETED" by portupgrade after all the
> updating has finished:
>   # grep "DELETED" /var/db/pkg/*/+CONTENTS
>   apsfilter-7.2.8/+CONTENTS:@comment DELETED:pkgdep
>   netpbm-10.26.39 apsfilter-7.2.8/+CONTENTS:@comment
>   DELETED:DEPORIGIN:graphics/netpbm
>   xfig-3.2.4_4/+CONTENTS:@comment DELETED:pkgdep
>   netpbm-10.26.39 xfig-3.2.4_4/+CONTENTS:@comment
>   DELETED:DEPORIGIN:graphics/netpbm
> It seems that this could cause problems if I needed to
> update netpbm and all the ports that depend on it.  It
> would surely miss apsfilter and xfig in this case.
> I'm curious if anyone else is seeing these leftover
> DELETED notations. They can be checked with the simple
> grep as shown above.  I've went so far as to removing the
> ports tree and cvsupping a new one as well as removing
> portupgrade and reinstalling.  The maintainer for
> portupgrade indicated that he's not seen this problem.
> I've been seeing this for at least 4-5 weeks and see the
> same problems on all four of my local machines (all i386
> running 6.2-STABLE).
> I'd appreciate anyone confirming that they are also seeing
> this kind of problem as I can't find anything local.  As I
> understand it, there should be nothing marked as "DELETED"
> after portupgrade.  The absense/presence can be determined
> with:
>   grep "DELETED" /var/db/pkg/*/+CONTENTS
> Thanks,
> Randy
> -- 

Yes, I've been seeing "leftover DELETED notations" also.

Note: I'm running FreeBSD 6.2-STABLE &
portupgrade-2.2.2_3,2.  I usually update ports
at least 2-4 times per week.

I've been cleaning these DELETEDs by hand after my
portupgrade process is done. Most recently I updated on
02/03/07 and ended up with 202 notatations.  

Here are the first few (for the sake of brevity) of 202
lines logged:

abiword-gnome-2.4.6/+CONTENTS:@comment DELETED:pkgdep
libgcrypt-1.2.4 abiword-gnome-2.4.6/+CONTENTS:@comment
apsfilter-7.2.8/+CONTENTS:@comment DELETED:pkgdep
libwww-5.4.0_4 apsfilter-7.2.8/+CONTENTS:@comment
apsfilter-7.2.8/+CONTENTS:@comment DELETED:pkgdep
libgcrypt-1.2.4 apsfilter-7.2.8/+CONTENTS:@comment
arts-1.5.5,1/+CONTENTS:@comment DELETED:pkgdep
libgcrypt-1.2.4 arts-1.5.5,1/+CONTENTS:@comment
at-spi-1.7.15/+CONTENTS:@comment DELETED:pkgdep
libgcrypt-1.2.4 at-spi-1.7.15/+CONTENTS:@comment
On another local box, I've seen this same behavior using
6.2-STABLE & portupgrade-devel, only 6 DELETED entries here,
however, there are less ports installed on this box:

DELETED:pkgdep glib-2.12.9
DELETED:pkgdep wxgtk2-common-2.6.3_2
nt DELETED:pkgdep glib-2.12.9
nt DELETED:DEPORIGIN:devel/glib20

If there is some way I can help please let me know.  I'll be
glad to contribute more DELETED notations' logs if

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