Le Dim  7 jan 07 à 15:23:10 +0100, Juergen Lock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 écrivait :
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you write:
> >Hello,


> >I see that pgdesigner is NOT available in the ports... It requires 
> >gambas that is available so I guess there would not mean a lot of work 
> >to have a FBSD fix/patch.
> >
> >Any plans to offer the community this software?
> >Best regards,
> >
> >http://sourceforge.net/projects/pgdesigner
> Ok I briefly looked at this, but the file GAMBAS.VERSION in it
> says 1.9.43 (which is a development version), while 1.0.17_2 is in
> ports.  And I'm not in the mood to make a gambas-devel port, given
> that my last experience with basic was many more than 10 years ago... :)
> (maintainer Cc'd.)

I have a port of gambas-devel v. 1.9.46a which is ready (i.e. buildable
and installable), but it does not run perfectly. I have been working
with the author, and we already fixed some issues, but it's not yet
fully usable.

I have never tried pgdesigner, but the runtime part seems OK with the
included examples: if you want to try it, I can send you the port "as

Th. Thomas.
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