Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

ich bin bis inkl. 7. Januar 2007 im Urlaub. In dringenden Fällen können Sie 
sich für technische Anfragen und Probleme an meinen Kollegen Herrn Deeken 
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wenden. Für alle anderen Anfragen steht Ihnen Herr Hochrein 
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) zur Verfügung.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Jan-Peter Koopmann

I am on vacation until January 7th. In urgent technical matters please do not 
hesitate to contact my colleague Mr. Deeken ([EMAIL PROTECTED]). For other 
inquiries please contact Mr. Hochrein ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).

Kind regards

Jan-Peter Koopmann

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Date: Sun, 7 Jan 2007 10:01:00 GMT
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill "distfiles" Fenner)
Subject: FreeBSD ports: 1 unfetchable distfile: mail/mailscanner-devel
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        You are listed as the FreeBSD port maintainer for 1 port
whose distfiles are not fetchable from their MASTER_SITES.  Could
you please visit[EMAIL PROTECTED]

and correct the problems listed there?  The individual port with
a problem is mail/mailscanner-devel.

        If you have already corrected the problems and submitted a
PR, please accept my thanks and apologies for the delay in getting
the fixes into the tree.  This reminder is created automatically
and does not (yet) have a way to know if a PR fixing the problem
has been submitted.  Please do *NOT* send your response to me
directly; I do not necessarily have time to commit your fix; please
instead submit a PR via 'send-pr' so it doesn't get lost.

        Problems are usually of two types:
1. The software package has been upgraded and the version in the
port has been removed.  The best solution to this problem is to
upgrade the port to the most current version of the software package.
If you are a FreeBSD committer, then you can just upgrade the port
directly.  If not, you should create the updated port on your own machine,
test it (and maybe even run "portlint" on it), and then use "send-pr"
to submit a "diff -uNr old-port updated-port".  If you added or deleted
any files, please make an explicit note of it.

2. The mirror site being used no longer contains the software package
in question, or no longer exists.  Solutions include:
        a) If there are other mirror sites, just remove the bad site
        from the list.  (Make sure that what appears to be a bad site
        isn't actually a problem of type 1, upgrade)
        b) If the README or other support files in the software
        documentation mention where to get the software package,
        use one of those sites.
        c) Use a search engine to find another place to get the original
        DISTFILES.  Make sure that you don't pick a FreeBSD distfiles
        mirror -- if you can't find any other places where the file
        exists, it can be a LOCAL_PORT or you can simply comment out
        the MASTER_SITES= line, with a comment explaining why.
Once you have a solution, use "send-pr" to submit a "diff -u" of the

        Note that this isn't an urgent issue, as people who try to
build the port now will just fall back to the FreeBSD distfiles mirror.
Please just put it on your list to do and get to it when you have time.
These messages will continue to arrive twice a month until the fix is
committed, as a reminder.

  Bill "distfiles" Fenner.
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