On 1/3/07, Gabor Kovesdan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Beech Rintoul schrieb:
> Thanks to everyone who responded. I somehow missed that handbook section, but
> I have it figured out now. What I needed to do is the following:
> .if defined(WITH_MYSQL)
> USE_MYSQL= yes
> MODULES:=${MODULES}:mod_sql:mod_sql_mysql
> PLIST_FILES= include/proftpd/mod_sql.h
> .endif
> The extra header file is not copied to include unless that option is checked
> and hard coding it in pkg-plist broke the pkg build. It didn't show up on
> pointyhat because that option is off by default.
Oh, do you want to mix PLIST_FILES and pkg-plist, did
I catch it right? That should not be done.
Why not?
You can list that file in pkg-plist as
%%MYSQL%%include/proftpd/mod_sql.h and do the following in Makefile:
if defined(WITH_MYSQL)
[...another things here...]
PLIST_SUB+= MYSQL="@comment "
Look at e.g. security/amavisd-new, I do something similar there.
PLIST_FILES is a bit simpler to use. Personal feelings
about the variable, or whether it smells well when mixed
with pkg-plist are interesting, but they are not quite
relevant if there's no technical problem.
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