On Sunday 24 December 2006 03:53, Alex Samorukov wrote:
> I have a question about QT4. I use some programs, which are depends on
> QT4 toolkit.
> E.g. one of the best bittorrent clients -  qbittorrent-0.8.0. I want to
> submit them to freebsd
> ports tree but i see no QT4 support. What i need to do to push this
> ports into the tree?

You should contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] (qt maintainers) and see if they're 
to commit a devel/qt4 port, otherwise you need to port it yourself. You would 
then submit your port as a pr.

See the porter's handbook: 
/usr/share/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook for complete info on how 
to submit your port.
Beech Rintoul - Sys. Administrator - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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