Petr Holub wrote:
Hi Karel,

while resurrecting textproc/xmlada, I've encountered one rather stupid
problem I can't find a reasonable solution for. In the last phase of
building, I end up with the following error:

/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lgnat-GPL2005
gnatmake: gcc execution error

It looks like gnatmake from lang/gnat (GNAT/GPL 2005) is seriously
missing libgnat-GPL2005.a (note that gnat-GPL2005 is never mentioned
in the project files, so it must be a kind of implicit dependency).
If I make a copy of to libgnat-GPL2005.a in
it passes successfuly. However, any other workaround (including
copying the libgnat-GPL2005.a to ${working_dir} and using
-largs -L${working_dir} or modifying the project files) didn't
work and it looks like gnatmake is just ignoring these options
for some reason (maybe because it is building a shared library?).

Do you have idea for any other workaround except for modifying
the lang/gnat so that it creates libgnat-GPL2005.a in
If no, would it be possible to modify the port so that it
creates the libgnat-GPL2005.a?

BTW, lang/gnat-gcc41 is just fine here and compiles and builds
the xmlada cleanly.


                            Petr Holub
CESNET z.s.p.o.                       Supercomputing Center Brno
Zikova 4                             Institute of Compt. Science
162 00 Praha 6, CZ                            Masaryk University
Czech Republic                     Botanicka 68a, 60200 Brno, CZ
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]               phone: +420-549493944
                                             fax: +420-541212747
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It looks like a bug in gnatmake and/or gnatgcc. I've built and installed all three versions of gnat from ports, and all three versions install the normative environment library as libgnat.a. It shouldn't be possible to build too many working programs without correctly linking to libgnat.a, so I'm curious as to what's going wrong to trigger this error.


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