Le Lun 18 déc 06 à 21:44:46 +0100, fred <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 écrivait :
> Hi the list,


> Does anyone knows when VTK (5.0.2, the last release) will be included in 
> ports tree ?

Could you please try the following port?

I'm not yet sure how it will be committed: maybe I'll repocopy math/vtk
to math/vtk44 and commit this one as math/vtk, updating the vtk-slaves
ports to 5?

> I need it to build VTK apps such as mayavi2 & paraview 2.9.x (which 
> needs also qt4,
> not yet included in ports tree).

Well, the latest stable paraview release is still 2.4.4!

Th. Thomas.

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