On Mon, Dec 18, 2006 at 12:10:47PM -0900, Beech Rintoul wrote:
> I'm working on an update of proftpd. On install it 
> creates /usr/local/include/proftpd with a bunch of header files. If I delete 
> the port it leaves them behind. I've read the porter's handbook and I've 
> tried various things to remove them and the directory, no luck. Would someone 
> tell me what  to put in pkg-plist so these get deleted?

@dirrm include/proftpd

Alternatively, if the port is properly PREFIX clean you can install it
somewhere else and use one of the tools like ports/Tools/scripts/plist
to generate a full plist file.  Note that the default output of plist is
not actually a valid pkg-plist.

-- Brooks

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