On Thu, Dec 14, 2006 at 07:09:52AM +0800, Rong-En Fan wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 13, 2006 at 02:14:48PM -0500, Kris Kennaway wrote:
> > On Sat, Dec 02, 2006 at 09:29:26PM -0500, Kris Kennaway wrote:
> [...]
> > > Are you maintainers really going to let your ports be the ones that
> > > hold us up?!  You know who you are since you've already received email
> > > about this, so let's push on and see how quickly we can get that
> > > number down to 50!
> > 
> > After further diligent work by maintainers and committers the current
> > count is down to less than 36!
> > 
> >   http://pointyhat.freebsd.org/errorlogs/i386-5-exp-latest/
> > 
> > (this also lists the ~60 ports broken on standard CVS too).
> I think the actual count should be around 20 by now.

Yes, although maybe more because of:

> Both eclipse
> and mplayer should be fixed.

...which exposed another 27+23 ports to the build ;-)

> Could you start another run to see 
> if there are more ports affected? 

As soon as I can; the cluster is really jammed right now, between gcc,
xorg and X11BASE test builds, on top of regular package builds.

Fortunately I've been able to justify spending a higher percentage of
time on test builds since ftp-master has been down and I've been
unable to push out the regular package builds ;-)


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