Later rather then soon, but I had abandoned 5.2 altogether untill I'm
forced to upgrade (5.1.6_3 is not a burning platform for me).

But I will backup my current config and try 5.2.0 with a rearranged
extensions.ini and report back here.

Kind regards,


PS Only 11 extensions here, so there's just 110 probabilities :'(.
Hopefully moving session higher in the list is the winner!

On 16/11/06, Mirosław Jaworski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Thu, 2006-11-16 at 15:09 -0600, Josh Paetzel wrote:
> Freshly installed FreeBSD 6.1-R-p10 box
> Fresh ports tree from today.  php 5.2.0 installed from ports with the
> following extensions:
> [...]
> Unloading the session module 'fixes' the problem.  Unfortunately
> session support is mission-critical.

Same here ( although FreeBSD 5.5 ). Apache dies with signal 11, after
unloading sessions module, everything works perfectly.

I found the problem last night. I suggested session module to be guilty
also to Spil Oss who reported problem with roundcube after upgrading
php to 5.2.0 a couple days ago on this list - we should hear from him


Miroslaw "Psyborg" Jaworski
GCS/IT d- s+:+ a C++$ UBI++++$ P+++$ L- E--- W++(+++)$ N++ o+ K- w-- O-
M- V- PS+ PE++ Y+ PGP t 5? X+ R++ !tv b++(+++) DI++ D+ G e* h++ r+++ y?

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