On Wed, Nov 29, 2006 at 02:19:01AM -0500, Parv wrote:
> in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> wrote Doug Barton thusly...
> >
> > When xorg 7 is imported, it will be installing into /usr/local.
> > Shortly thereafter the plan is to do away with the X11BASE stuff
> > altogether, and have all ports install into /usr/local.
> > 
> > In order to prepare for this change, and to fix as many ports as
> > possible before it happens, the ports cluster has started running
> > experimental builds with X11BASE set to something that is not
> > /usr/X11R6 AND not /usr/local. So, you can easily reproduce this
> > condition by doing the same thing yourself.
> ...
> > There are two ways to do this. Either way you choose, you have to
> > put something like this in /etc/make.conf:  X11BASE=
> > /usr/local/xorg I chose that directory for my experiment, you can
> > use whatever directory works for you that is NOT /usr/X11R6 or
> > /usr/local.
> I have been using X11BASE=/misc/local/X (set in /etc/rc.conf;
> /usr/X11R6 is symlinked to it) at least since Dec 2006 (Xorg 6.2).
> So far I have not noticed any problems with 343-some ports (which do
> not have a great deal of GNOME or KDE).
> Short of testing with full blown GNONE|KDE, is there anything else I
> can try to test?  Should I try without the /usr/X11R6 symlink?

Yes, because your current configuration is a NOP ;-)


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