
I haven't cranked up gtk-gnutella for awhile, but tonight I was trying to
start it, and it gets to:

06-11-26 23:20:59 (MESSAGE): Looking for UDP host cache g6.6dns.org:1337
06-11-26 23:20:59 (MESSAGE): Sent ping to UDP host cache g6.6dns.org:1337
06-11-26 23:21:02 (MESSAGE): Got 50 hosts from UDP host cache
06-11-26 23:21:20 (WARNING): could not stat 
"/home/clint/.gtk-gnutella/config_gnet": No such file or directory

And the GUI never comes up.  I blasted my .gtk-gnutella directory thinking
that somehow my internal file settings were inhibiting from starting, but
that doesn't seem to be the case.

FreeBSD belle.0lsen.net 5.5-STABLE FreeBSD 5.5-STABLE #1: Mon Oct 23 13:04:36 
PDT 2006     [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/BELLE  i386

If I kill it or ^C, it claims it shuts down cleanly.


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