On Sun, 2006-11-19 at 20:29 +0000, Sevan / Venture37 wrote:
> Chillispot 1.1 uses clearenv() which is not available in FreeBSD. What's
> the best way for dealing with this, atm I'm using the following patch to
> the source code which seems to work & none of the testers have reported
> back with any problems. Is there a better way to deal with the issue??
>    if (clearenv() != 0) {
>      sys_err(LOG_ERR, __FILE__, __LINE__, errno,
>           "clearenv() did not return 0!");
>      exit(0);
>    }
> +#else
> +        extern char **environ;
> +     environ[0] = NULL;
> +        if (environ[0] != NULL) {
> +    sys_err(LOG_ERR, __FILE__, __LINE__, errno,
> +            "Venture37 doesn't know what he's doing!!!");
> +    exit(0);
> +  }
> +#endif

This will work, but you do not need the check to make sure environ[0] is
NULL.  And you should declare extern char **environ at the top of a
block so that the code compiles on non-C99 compilers.  This might make
things a bit cleaner:

my_cleanenv (void)
        return cleanenv();
        extern char **environ;
        environ[0] = NULL;
        return 0;

if (my_cleanenv() != 0) {


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