Ion-Mihai IOnut Tetcu wrote:
> On Fri, 17 Nov 2006 10:38:03 -0500
> Paul Pathiakis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Good day Ports!
>> I have a high interest, along with several others, to see Asset
>> Tracker be made into a port.  I have contacted the software author,
>> Todd Chapman, ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and he has given me permission to pass
>> on his name and the software address.
>> Asset Tracker is an overlay to RT (Request Tracker) and tracks assets
>> (ok, duh... :-) ) I'm slowly converting the infrastructure machines,
>> in a company that provides Solaris and RH as platforms to customers,
>> into FreeBSD.  Their accounting department and IT department are
>> having problems tracking locations, addresses and specification of
>> the platforms (PCs, workstations, servers, switches, etc) and keeping
>> them in a centralized, platform independent repository.
>> I believe Asset Tracker may be the extensible tool we need.  Please
>> assist. If someone from ports could contact the author (CC address)
>> about getting this into ports it would be most appreciated.
> I _might_ be interested in this. Could you please drop me a link to the
> project ?



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                       7 Priory Courtyard
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