On 11/14/06, Dirk Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hallo Charles Sprickman,

> I'm finding that there are a number of ports that we need to patch for
> some functionality that's unique to our business (qmail, mailfront, etc.).
> Currently we just do "make patch" and then apply our patches.  This works,
> but is a bit of a pain to maintain.
> Is there a way to create a "local" category?  ie: /usr/ports/LOCAL

I like to point out a very easy way:

$ mkdir /usr/ports/LOCAL
$ echo "PKGCATEGORY?=LOCAL" > /usr/ports/LOCAL/makefile.inc
$ echo "PKGNAMESUFFIX?=-local" >> /usr/ports/LOCAL/makefile.inc

I found a way where you don't need to set PKGCATEGORY, and allows your
local ports to be included in a 'make index'.

# $FreeBSD$

SUBDIR+=        local

# $FreeBSD$

SUBDIR += emulators
SUBDIR += games
SUBDIR += graphics
SUBDIR += net
SUBDIR += security
SUBDIR += textproc
SUBDIR += x11

.include <bsd.port.subdir.mk>

# $FreeBSD$

   COMMENT = Local Emulators for other operating systems

   SUBDIR += linux-wine

.include <bsd.port.subdir.mk>

# $FreeBSD$
# This file needs to be copied into every local/*/ subdirectory to set
# common variables.

# Used to set the origin of the local port

# Used in the local ports tree to set dependencies on other local ports.

#Uncomment if you want your local packages to have a "-local" suffix.

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