With NOPROFILE=true defined in /etc/make.conf, libdomainkeys-0.68_2 fails to "make package".

I was building exim with the portupgrade package ( "portinstall -p "mail/exim" ... with some other make flags) ... when it hit libdomainkeys, it failed to package.

Doing a
   > portinstall -p -m '-DNOPROFILE=true' mail/libdomainkeys

complete successfully, and then a rerun of the portinstall of exim worked just fine.

So, I guess there is some kind of inconstancy with how NOPROFILE is being picked up.

FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE (latest, i believe p10)
Ports where refreshed recently with cvsup
     > *default release=cvs tag=.

Let me know if you need more info ... I can probably reproduce this pretty easily.

David P. Discher  * <http://davidpdischer.com/>     * C: 408.368.3725
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> *  AIM: DavidDPD | Y!M: daviddpdz * H: 408.541.0159

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