Ion-Mihai IOnut Tetcu wrote:

>>>> On 10/27/06, Christopher Boumenot wrote:
>>>>> Every time I upgrade a port I am usually left wondering what
>>>>> changed.
> The problem with the OP's work is that some submitters/commiters think
> that the CVS commit message should document the _port_ changes while
> others think it should also document (or at least provide pointers) to
> the changes in the software itself (I fall in the second category).
> Since we don't have a standard for this, relaying only on the CVS logs
> might drive one into nasty problems.

But it is much better than what we have now (nothing) and I think that
having a system like what Christopher proposed probably leads to
establishing a standard (preferably of the second category :) .
If the information is easily available I think it will be used.
   Hans Lambermont
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