Jeremy Messenger wrote:
On Mon, 23 Oct 2006 12:17:48 -0500, Andrew Pantyukhin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 10/23/06, Ganbold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm trying to update gnome to 2.16 using portmaster for more than 3 days :(

portmaster is good, but you really should use portupgrade
if you're stumbling over and over again.

portmaster works fine, I have tested it more than three times for GNOME 2.14 -> 2.16. If one of port is broke then it won't work. The result will be same with portupgrade.

I guess result will be the same with portupgrade. I used to use portupgrade before, this time wanted to try portmaster:)

1. Every time after some error when I try to run portmaster -r pkg-config\* it starts from the beginning. Maybe there is some option to skip updated
ports. How to tell portmaster to skip updated ports?

Maybe the -i is what you want?

OK, I can try -i but how do I know whether particular port was updated or not, if I didn't check before the port version?

Also, check in portmaster manpage for the +IGNOREME part in the FILES section if it's what you want. I do realized that you have to do +IGNOREME before you start the portmaster. As for the -i, I think it will asking you want to do with ports at the each update.

I used +IGNOREME file for some ports like openoffice, java, so I know I can use it for some ports.

No. Neither portmaster, nor portupgrade has this option, or
any session management for that matter.

2. After upgrading some port it asks whether to delete the source file
or not. I don't want to press button everytime.
Is it possible to have option something like '[y][n][Allyes][allnO]'?

-D switch disables distfile-cleaning functionality

Here's mine for portmaster.rc:

# cat /etc/portmaster.rc

Will NO_RECURSIVE_CONFIG=yes work for gnome update?

BTW: Do not add NO_BACKUP=yes if you aren't skill at fix stuff. :-)

3. While portmaster running, I manually updated libtheora port. When
portmaster reaches libtheora, it stops with error.
Is it possible for portmaster to give user some choices in this case
like "[Skip]..."?

IIRC, it's on Doug's todo list.

Give some choices sounds like a good idea. I would disagree if someone want to have skip it by default.

Yes, you are right, regular user might select skip if he/she doesn't know what to do.




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