On 2006.10.17 05:42:51 +0000, Alexey Dokuchaev wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 17, 2006 at 12:08:06AM +0200, Simon L. Nielsen wrote:
> > Hey,
> > 
> > FYI.  Rumor has it that the latest beta driver has this fixed, but I
> > haven't had time to confirm this yet.
> Thanks.  I was thinking on whether should I update driver to latest beta
> (mainly for compiz-related stuff) but since no one actually nudged me to
> do so, and us being pretty close to a freeze, I've decided to hold off.
> Since we're not building package of nVidia driver anyways, marking it
> FORBIDDEN for a time being seems right to me.  If you manage to actually
> confirm this vulnerability is true, and it is in fact fixed in latest
> beta, please ping me again.

NVIDIA says this is now fixed in 1.0-8776 which is not a beta release.
Could you update the port?  While we don't have packages, it would
still be nice to get this fixed as soon as possible.  Please run
patches by secteam or portmgr before commit due to the freeze as

Simon L. Nielsen
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