On Thu, 28 Sep 2006 20:12:34 +0200
Oliver Lehmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> here is a new 4.4 RC1 patchset:
> http://people.freebsd.org/~oliver/xfce/xfce4.4_ports_06.tar.bz2
> Make sure you don't have any by-hand or by former patches modified
> xfce ports - otherwise the patch will fail. I tested both the patch
> and the share with a clean cvsuped portstree and they applied without
> any error. If you are getting errors nevertheless, let me know.
> The changes are:
> - installation in LOCALBASE instead of X11BASE
> - utilise newly created x11-wm/xfce/bsd.xfce.mk
> - rework dependencies, removed some, added some, made some optional by
>   reviewing every build output
> - recheck GETTEXT usage to get the ports to install there locale files
>   if available (some didn't installed them in the previous patches)

Hi Oliver,

did you already have the chance to update patchset-6 with latest
changes introduced by Gnome 2.16.1 and the move to LOCALBASE?

I tried to apply the patch but it failed horribly :)



Patrick Hurrelmann   | "Programming today is a race between software
Mannheim, Germany    | engineers striving to build bigger and better
                     | idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | to produce bigger and better idiots. So far,
www.bytephobia.de    | the Universe is winning."         - Rich Cook

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