Current FreeBSD problem reports
The following is a listing of current problems submitted by FreeBSD users. 
These represent problem reports covering all versions including experimental 
development code and obsolete releases. 
Bugs can be in one of several states:

o - open
A problem report has been submitted, no sanity checking performed.

a - analyzed
The problem is understood and a solution is being sought.

f - feedback
Further work requires additional information from the
     originator or the community - possibly confirmation of
     the effectiveness of a proposed solution.

p - patched
A patch has been committed, but some issues (MFC and / or
     confirmation from originator) are still open.

r - repocopy
The resolution of the problem report is dependent on
     a repocopy operation within the CVS repository which
     is awaiting completion.

s - suspended
The problem is not being worked on, due to lack of information
     or resources.  This is a prime candidate
     for somebody who is looking for a project to do.
     If the problem cannot be solved at all,
     it will be closed, rather than suspended.

c - closed
A problem report is closed when any changes have been integrated,
     documented, and tested -- or when fixing the problem is abandoned.
Critical problems
Serious problems

S Tracker      Resp.      Description
s ports/52079             vmware3 hangs when nmdm(4) is used as COM1 device
f ports/90399             vmware2 port not working on FreeBSD 6.0
f ports/92706             vmware3 panic on 6.0-RELEASE
o ports/94044             emulators/vmware2: running $PREFIX/etc/rc.d/ 
o ports/94894             multimedia/fxtv causes freeze and reboot on DGA failur
f ports/95081             Problem with enabling logwtmp on POPtop
o ports/99286             ruby-ldap broken on amd64
s ports/99623             ksh93 dumps core on FBSD 6.1
o ports/100024            Port mail/drac coredumps on runtime if compiled for ex
o ports/100358            sysutils/portmanager: 2.0 Requires Conf
o ports/102427            Apache 2.0.59 with www/mod_python3 core dumped
f ports/103367            pglogd fails to start
f ports/103584            ports/security/op don't work on amd64 system
f ports/103672            cups-base wont compile/nor is it capable of being port
o ports/103673            port net/nbd-server broken as of 2.8.6
f ports/103970            print/cups-base will not install
o ports/104122            Re: ports/104117: When building GIMP using ports it cr
o ports/104205            gnome nautilus cpu usage jumps to 100%

18 problems total.

Non-critical problems

S Tracker      Resp.      Description
s ports/57502             ports that define USE_* too late
s ports/59254             ports that write something after
s ports/65794             net/ripetools is obsolete
s ports/67815             graphics/ImageMagick no longer recognizes FlashPix
s ports/84819             [MAINTAINER] math/coq: enable on ia64
s ports/86401             new ports multimedia/zapping
s ports/88900             www/flashplugin-mozilla causes Firefox to crash
o ports/92651             graphics/gmt - WITH_EVERYTHING doesn't fetch
f ports/94000             request: fork of security/srm with updated features
o ports/94074             [NEW PORTS] x11-toolkits/ruby-qt3, x11-toolkits/kde3: 
f ports/95279             (New Port) FreeBPX: a web gui to the asterisk PBX
s ports/96576             R 2.3.0 fails to compile: undefined reference to `R_ru
s ports/96731             textproc/docbook-utils doesn`t build
f ports/96891             [patch] port dns/powerdns does not have option for com
f ports/98364             [PATCH] net-mgmt/nagios-plugins: add several contrib c
f ports/98639             [PATCH] japanese/ja-edict-utf-8: update to 20060608, u
f ports/99553             cannot use proxy in net-im/gaim-openq
f ports/100650            audio/moc dumps core when detach/quit
f ports/100789            net-p2p/verlihub-plugins: compile failure
o ports/101340            x11/gdm: Vidcontrol Causes Video Corruption In GDM
o ports/101450            multimedia/transcode: tcprobe broken for devfs
o ports/101680            mail/poppassd: update of passwd prompts for pam_passwd
o ports/102993            New port: java/eclipse32 New port of Eclipse IDE versi
o ports/103168   jail options break stop and status comman
o ports/103257            Missing directory prevents Nepenthes from running out-
f ports/103355            [patch] Broken FlickrExport plugin from graphics/kipi-
o ports/103395            gnome-ssh-askpass interferes with gnome-screensaver
f ports/103444            [PATCH] java/classpath: update to 0.92
f ports/103813            www/p5-Apache-DBI: fix package dependenies when WITH_M
f ports/104033            nagios trends report images wrong size
f ports/104124            [PATCH] net/whois: update to 4.7.18
o ports/104189            (patch) Enable MMX and video grabbing for ffmpeg-devel
o ports/104200            [Maintainer Update] Small fixes to net/samba3
f ports/104206            [PATCH] net/mtr: update to 0.72
o ports/104208            Port Update: mail/qsheff

35 problems total.

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