On Tue, Sep 05, 2006 at 03:00:46PM +0800, Albert Poon wrote:
> Hi,
> A bug in start-up script /usr/local/etc/rc.d/teamspeak-server is discovered, 
> causing teamspeak-server to load earlier than linux support. It happens on my 
> FreeBSD 6.1 box but not in my FreeBSD 5.5 box.
> Problem code:
> (line 6)
> I think since FreeBSD 6 it will inpsect the start-up scripts and arrange them 
> to be loaded accordingly. Since NETWORKING is loaded earlier than linux 
> support, teamspeak-server will fail to start.
> Workaround:
> Either change the problem code to

This is correct.  There's almost never any point in starting a daemon
before this.  Even if it was, SERVERS would almost certainly be more
correct than NETWORKING.

> Or any other daemon's name that load after linux support, e.g.
> # REQUIRE: ntpd

This would be 100% wrong.

> Or remove the line completely.
> I wonder if there is something like # REQUIRE: LINUX (obviously it doesn't 
> work), but I too lazy to spend more time in digging the code.

That would be abi, but it's part of the environment that's expected to be
up before any servers run so DAEMON is appropriate.

-- Brooks

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