On 9/1/06, Doug Barton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
ports/net-im/jabber/files/jabberd.sh.in does not have that line, so I am
wondering what port you're working with here.
Well, it is here in mine:

cat /usr/ports/net-im/jabberd/files/jabberd.sh.in

# Start or stop jabberd
# $FreeBSD: ports/net-im/jabberd/files/jabberd.sh.in,v 1.2 2006/02/20
20:47:32 dougb Exp $

# PROVIDE: jabberd
# KEYWORD: shutdown

In any case, the proper fix here seems to be to have jabber REQUIRE
postgresql. Try that, and if it works, you're golden.

I added postgresql to REQURE, but I also need to remove the BEFORE
LOGIN to prevent cirular dependancies on LOGIN.

It works for me now, thanks to all who replied.

Jiawei Ye

"If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck,
then to the end user it's a duck, and end users have made it pretty
clear they want a duck; whether the duck drinks hot chocolate or
coffee is irrelevant."
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