On Thu, 31 Aug 2006 16:33:29 -0300
Carlos Fernando Assis Paniago <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> mentioned:

> Hi. I'm trying to compile ruby (my system is up to date stable 6.1). And
> it fails saying:
> panix# cd /usr/ports/lang/ruby18
> panix# make
> You can enable pthread support by defining WITH_PTHREADS variable,
> but not recommended since this might break some ruby apps.
> => ruby/ruby-1.8.5.tar.gz is not in /usr/ports/lang/ruby18/distinfo.
> => Either /usr/ports/lang/ruby18/distinfo is out of date, or
> => ruby/ruby-1.8.5.tar.gz is spelled incorrectly.
> *** Error code 1
> Stop in /usr/ports/lang/ruby18.
> panix#
> In the distfiles is the version 1.8.4, and I can't find were it is
> version  1.8.5.. Someone with some help?

You can fix this problem by using `make makesum`, or even better use
portsnap/cvsup to update your port collection. You ruby port
contains broken distinfo file. 

Stanislav Sedov         MBSD labs, Inc.         <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Россия, Москва         http://mbsd.msk.ru

If the facts don't fit the theory, change the facts.  -- A. Einstein
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