Kris Kennaway wrote:
On Tue, Aug 15, 2006 at 12:37:50PM -0600, John E Hein wrote:

The hard part is to get ports writers to think the right way about
DESTDIR after ignoring it for so many years.  And once you decide to
go about fixing it, there's no way around that problem.

My preferred solution involves a couple of shell commands, along the
lines of the following:

mount_nullfs ${PORTSDIR} ${DESTDIR}${PORTSDIR}
mount_nullfs ${WRKDIR} ${DESTDIR}${WRKDIR}
mount_devfs foo ${DESTDIR}/dev
chroot ${DESTDIR} cd ${.CURDIR} && make install

A suitable version of the above should allow all ports to be installed
into a jail-ready filesystem hierarchy, while requiring 0 port

Ok, I think it's time to follow this way, but have to make some parts clearer. For your last line, it should be

chroot ${DESTDIR} cd ${.CURDIR} && make ${.TARGETDIR}

since we want to run all targets chrooted. We could put this part into an .if defined(DESTDIR) block before the targets, but I don't know how to prevent running the further code, since we don't want to reach do-install in the host environment, but only in the chroot. I think of exit 0, if that's correct, or what else is better.
So, what I mean:

.if defined(DESTDIR)
.BEGIN   # We need this if not in a target
   ${MOUNT_DEVFS} foo ${DESTDIR}/dev
   exit 0

The new variables I used should be overrideable, if someone would like to use some kind of script or so.

The another issue I find is how we can pass variables to the chrooted make. E.g. if we want to set WITH_FOO in command line or in make.conf. And note, that we can't just pass everything, since DESTDIR should be unset in the chroot, otherwise we would run into infinite loop and it would fail due to the non-existent directories.



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