Peter Jeremy wrote:

> There are severe logistical problems: Ports are currently expected to
> build for at least 3 different src branches, with between 2 and 6
> different architectures in each.  Multiply this by over 15,000 ports
> and that process isn't going to work.  And this ignores interactions

Yeah, that's the problem we should find a solution for.

> between port versions - you often can't upgrade a port in isolation
> but need to have consistent revisions.

That's not a problem, IMO.

> >If both conditions are meat, the commit may be backported to STABLE.
> How long are you going to wait for this?  What happens if the commit
> to HEAD works ok on some architecture/branches and not others?

Debian uses 10 days or so. I think we could use something simular, 1-2
weeks or so.

And about some specific arch issue, I think we should care about
i386/amd64 first.

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