Hi folks,

sometimes good ideas come later, so please wait a bit with making your ports DESTDIR-aware. Kris had a very interesting suggestion. I wonder how we haven't thought of this so far. This needs a bit more of discussion, though, but if we can work this out a bit better, things will become very easy.
Comments are welcome.



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On Wed, Aug 16, 2006 at 06:30:35PM +0200, Erwin Lansing wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 15, 2006 at 11:03:56PM +0200, G?bor K?vesd?n wrote:
> > Hi Erwin,
> Hi,
> > 
> > I tried to talk to you on irc, but you seemed to be quite busy today. 
> > Unfortunately, some people are unsatisfied and disappointed with my 
> > DESTDIR implementation. I don't know what to do now, since I just did 
> > what we discussed to avoid big changes all over the ports tree. A guy 
> > complained that LOCALBASE, LINUXBASE and X11BASE should be reverted, but 
> > we discussed it is wrong, because we had to change *_DEPENDS all over 
> Right. The idea here was to get DESTDIR added without having to change a
> huge number of ports. Somehow the PREFIX problem got overlooked.
> > the ports tree. That definitely should not happen. Andrew (infofarmer@) 
> > suggested to change PREFIX to fully qualified so that we don't need to 
> > do s/PREFIX/TARGETDIR/ and introduce PREFIX_REL for sed substitutions. 
> > With this we could also keep TARGETDIR for compatibility, but I should 
> > now how portmgr feels about this before I start to work on this. 
> > Andrew's way seems to be reasonable for me. It changes the 
> > interpretation of PREFIX, but this change won't violate POLA, I can 
> > workaround that with a hackery, and according to Andrew, we would get 
> > many of the ports DESTDIR aware without much pain.
> > 
> This would fix the install time location, without having to change all
> port install targets. It does significantly change the behaviour of
> PREFIX though, which is assumed to be under DESTDIR (see
> /usr/share/mk/), so it's hard to see all the consequences beforehand and
> it would be good to see an implementation first.

I think that would also produce a lot of hidden landmines, because
PREFIX is hard-coded into many binaries for referring to the location
of installed files at runtime.  So is LOCALBASE et al, which is why
none of them can have DESTDIR prepended automatically.

The only simple solution I can think of (which doesn't involve
modifying thousands of ports one way or another) is the
mount_nullfs+chroot method I mentioned previously.

> Also, keeping TARGETDIR should only be a temporary measure until those
> ports that have been changed are changed back. You probably should tell
> people on ports@ that you're working on this issue and that we do not
> want to see any more TARGETDIR changes committed until we find the best
> way forward.


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