On Tue, Aug 15, 2006 at 12:37:50PM -0600, John E Hein wrote:

> The hard part is to get ports writers to think the right way about
> DESTDIR after ignoring it for so many years.  And once you decide to
> go about fixing it, there's no way around that problem.

My preferred solution involves a couple of shell commands, along the
lines of the following:

mount_nullfs ${PORTSDIR} ${DESTDIR}${PORTSDIR}
mount_nullfs ${WRKDIR} ${DESTDIR}${WRKDIR}
mount_devfs foo ${DESTDIR}/dev
chroot ${DESTDIR} cd ${.CURDIR} && make install

A suitable version of the above should allow all ports to be installed
into a jail-ready filesystem hierarchy, while requiring 0 port


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