
On Mon, Aug 14, 2006 at 02:31:05PM +0200, Mathieu Arnold wrote:
> +-le 14/08/2006 20:26 +0800, Gea-Suan Lin a dit :
> | Hello,
> | 
> | I disagree this opinion.  DESTDIR should be considered previous events
> | like importing SHA-256, @dirrmtry, and using USE_LDCONFIG to retire
> | INSTALLS_SHLIB, ... etc.
> | 
> | When upgrading or bug-fixing with respecting DESTDIR, the pr should
> | not be splited into two parts.
> | 
> | On Mon, Aug 14, 2006 at 10:59:02AM +0000, Mathieu Arnold wrote:
> |> Synopsis: [PATCH] ftp/p5-Net-FTPServer: Respect DESTDIR
> |> 
> |> State-Changed-From-To: open->closed
> |> State-Changed-By: mat
> |> State-Changed-When: Mon Aug 14 10:51:42 UTC 2006
> |> State-Changed-Why: 
> |> Committed in two parts, the DESTDIR, then the other things. I think that
> |> when doing a DESTDIR change, you should not change anything not directly
> |> related to it, to keep things simple.
> |> 
> |> http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr.cgi?pr=101840
> Hum, all the previous things, SHA/dirrmtry, etc were done as big sweeps
> separately, not with other things in them.
> Unless I don't understand what you're saying, we have the same opinion.
> -- 
> Mathieu Arnold

What I mention is not these one-shot commits but the PRs between the
time of introducing SHA256/@dirrmtry and large scale commits.

Importing SHA256 checksum was in 2005/11/08.  After that, there were
many people sending upgrading/fixing PRs with adding SHA256 at same
time.  Then in 2006/1/22, all ports were done.

So I think DESTDIR is same.

* Gea-Suan Lin  (public key: Using https://keyserver.pgp.com/ to search)
* If you cannot convince them, confuse them.           -- Harry S Truman
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