Joel Dahl writes:
> On Thu, 2006-08-10 at 10:05 -0500, Jeff Cross wrote:
> > This may have already hit the list, but has anyone seen the
> > driver site that Intel has produced.  It appears
> > they have created drivers for their cards for Linux.
> > 
> > Does anyone know if there is a work in progress to port these to
> > FreeBSD?  I run a laptop with an i810 video chipset and this would come
> > in very handy.
> > 
> > It appears they have an 2D driver, a DRM kernel module, and a Mesa
> > 3D GL driver for the following cards/chipsets:
> > 
> > 965G, 965Q, 946GZ, 945G, 945GM, 915G, 915GM, 865G, 855GM, 852GM, 845G,
> > i830M, 815, 810, 810-DC100.
> > 
> > I am by far no kernel hacker or driver specialist.  This is way out of
> > my league.  I just wanted to see if anyone was working on porting these
> > to FreeBSD or if anyone out here in FreeBSD land had even heard of it.
> > I hadn't before today...  Playing Wolfenstein on the laptop would be
> > nice! :)
> > 
> > I look forward to any discussion on these drivers and an effort to port
> > to FreeBSD.
> Take a look at the Development Team[*] for the open source linux
> graphics driver, and you'll notice that one of the FreeBSD developers is
> listed there.  I've CC'ed him.
> [*]

According to the man page referenced on the site it should Just Work with
recent versions of FreeBSD. Take a look at it.

Gary Jennejohn / garyjATjennejohnDOTorg gjATfreebsdDOTorg garyjATdenxDOTde

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