Dear list,

Ahem.  Let's try that again with the correct spelling of the list address...

The following slave ports are producing an incorrect 'MASTER_PORT' value:

    emulators/linux_base-gentoo-stage1 (linux_base-gentoo-stage1-2006.0_2) 
    emulators/linux_base-gentoo-stage2 (linux_base-gentoo-stage2-2006.0_1)
    emulators/linux_base-gentoo-stage3 (linux_base-gentoo-stage3-2006.0_1)

    japanese/kinput2-canna (ja-kinput2-canna-3.1_2)
    japanese/kinput2-canna+freewnn (ja-kinput2-canna+freewnn-3.1_2)
    japanese/kinput2-canna+freewnn+sj3 (ja-kinput2-canna+sj3+freewnn-3.1_2)
    japanese/kinput2-canna+sj3 (ja-kinput2-canna+sj3-3.1_2)
    japanese/kinput2-canna+sj3+wnn6 (ja-kinput2-canna+sj3+wnn6-3.1_2)
    japanese/kinput2-canna+sj3+wnn7 (ja-kinput2-canna+sj3+wnn7-3.1_2)
    japanese/kinput2-canna+wnn6 (ja-kinput2-canna+wnn6-3.1_2)
    japanese/kinput2-canna+wnn7 (ja-kinput2-canna+wnn7-3.1_2) 
    japanese/kinput2-freewnn+sj3 (ja-kinput2-sj3+freewnn-3.1_2)
    japanese/kinput2-sj3 (ja-kinput2-sj3-3.1_2)
    japanese/kinput2-sj3+wnn6 (ja-kinput2-sj3+wnn6-3.1_2)
    japanese/kinput2-sj3+wnn7 (ja-kinput2-sj3+wnn7-3.1_2)
    japanese/kinput2-wnn6 (ja-kinput2-wnn6-3.1_2)
    japanese/kinput2-wnn7 (ja-kinput2-wnn7-3.1_2)

    lang/gfortran (gcc-withfortran-4.1.2_20060721)

    math/spooles-mpich (spooles-mpich-2.2_4)

    science/mpqc-mpich (mpqc-mpich-2.3.0)

    x11-toolkits/fltk-threads (fltk-threads-1.1.6_1)

The symptom is that in each case the MASTER_PORT variable gets set to
a fully qualified path like so:

    happy-idiot-talk:...ports/emulators/linux_base-gentoo-stage1:% make -V 

Whereas the output is meant to be relative to PORTSDIR, like so:

    happy-idiot-talk:...ports/databases/mysql50-client:% make -V MASTER_PORT

The problem in each case is a trailing slash on the value of MASTERDIR set in
the slave port Makefiles:

    happy-idiot-talk:...ports/emulators/linux_base-gentoo-stage1:% grep 
    MASTERDIR=      ${.CURDIR}/../linux_dist-gentoo-stage1/

It's a pretty trivial thing I know, but I noticed it while working on my
FreeBSD::Portindex module, which relies heavily on the value of MASTER_PORT
to find master/slave relations between ports in the latest release.  I've
put in a work-around in my code: I'll leave it to the collected wisdom of the
list to decide if this warrants fixing.

Port maintainers were CC'd in my first attempt at sending this.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                       7 Priory Courtyard
                                                      Flat 3
PGP:         Ramsgate
                                                      Kent, CT11 9PW

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