Hans Lambermont wrote:
> Doug Barton wrote:
>> Doug Barton wrote:
>>> I just uploaded a version that has what should be a fix for this, can
>>> you give it a try? And thanks for catching this, you're right, it's
>>> an oversight on my part.
>> I'm curious if you've had a chance to try that fix, as I'd like to
>> commit the new version sometime soon.
> It's nice to have bootable backups ;-)


> I just tested the same upgrade and it works OK now :
> ===>>> Upgrade for howl-1.0.0_1 to avahi-0.6.11_1 succeeded
> I miss one dependency though :
> # pkg_info -R avahi-0.6.11_1
> Required by:
> gimp-2.2.11,1
> kde-3.5.2
> planner-0.13_3
> The old avahi-0.6.10_3 also had :
>> # pkg_info -R avahi-0.6.10_3
>> Required by:
>> vlc-0.8.5_2
> Is this a dependency-merge omission ? It looks like avahi-0.6.11_1 only
> has the howl-1.0.0_1 dependencies.

D'oh. This is an ugly problem, but I just uploaded a new version at
http://dougbarton.us/portmaster that fixes this issue. This time around I
created an artificial environment with both howl and avahi dependencies, and
with both ports installed, and tested the update. I'm confident that this
new version does what _I_ expected it to do, but if you can still test one
more time, that would be appreciated. If you don't get a chance to test,
that's cool too, just let me know so that I can check in the new version.

>> Also, in re-reading your message it occurs to me that one of the problems
>> with what you did previously is that you specified just 'howl' as the second
>> argument to -o, and that isn't enough. You either need to specify net/howl
>> ala portupgrade, or howl-1.0.0_1 (i.e., the installed port name from
>> /var/db/pkg).
> Ah yes, perhaps this is a good thing to check for ? ;-)

Too dangerous in this situation. I'd rather not guess what the user is
trying to do. I did however improve the code that reads the port directory
as the second argument, so now you can do (for example) net/howl,
/usr/ports/net/howl, or howl-1.0.0_1 and they all work.

FYI, the other change I made to the version I just posted is that the -s
option to remove stale ports is now recursive, so if you're deleting a big
chunk (like the avahi mess that I was testing with) it keeps going till
there are no more stale ports to find, rather than having to run it
repeatedly like you did previously.



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